Thursday, November 12, 2009

Winter Cycling Discussion - Thursday, November 19th

I'm all for year-round cycling, and it looks like these guys are, too.  Here is an excerpt from an email I received about an upcoming event here in Milwaukee that will help you get geared up for winter riding.  I've managed to survive my bike commute during the winter here with nothing more than some cruddy old clothes I had laying around the house, so you don't need to go spend $1,000 at REI to make it happen.  Anyway, here's the email:
The Milwaukee Bicycle Collective, Truly Spoken Cycles, The Bella Donnas, and UWM's U-Bike program have teamed up to promote the continuation of cycling in the winter with an open discussion at Transfer Pizzeria. Anyone who is interested in learning more about proper layering, lighting, and riding through snow and ice in the city is invited to attend. Veteran winter riders are also encouraged to stop by and give their advice for what works and what doesn't.
This coalition also hopes to attract a large group of winter enthusiasts to show the city that the cycling infrastructure needs to be maintained just as well as the automobile infrastructure throughout all seasons. Deep, broken seams in bike lanes and excuses like "Plows don't expect people to use the bike paths or lanes" are unacceptable.

Cycling in Milwaukee has doubled in the last two years (, well above the national average, and the accident rate has also fallen by 400% in the last four years ( We aim to promote safe cycling, even through the toughest months in Wisconsin, from staying warm to staying sweat-free to acheiving high visibility on particularly snowy days and dark nights.

The Winter Cycling Discussion will be held at Transfer Pizzeria at 7:00 on Thursday, November 19th. Door prizes and ap-pizza-tizers will be available as well as drink specials.
Be sure to go to this nifty website for more information.


  1. I don't know how anyone could pass up the "ap-pizza-tizers". That'd be worth the price of admission right there.

  2. I think that means that they are going to feed you, but not that much.

  3. @Bryan I dunno. I heard Transfer is pretty liberal in their pizza offerings. I've never been to a party there, but I they sounded more than willing to participate.


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