Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Warm Weather

I've made the critical mistake of checking Weather.com about 75 times a day during the past couple of weeks.  Perhaps the chilly October we had here in Milwaukee made me jumpy.  I have been convinced that winter was coming early this year.  Quite to the contrary, November was an absolutely lovely month for cycling - very little rain, mild temperatures, and (most importantly) not a single snowflake.  Last year, December came in like loud, drunk, unwanted dinner guest, plastering this fair city with more snow, ice and crud than most places see in an entire winter.  So I guess I've been anticipating winter's return with a lot of trepidation.  Too much trepidation, actually, but I like to worry about things that I have no control over.  And Weather.com hasn't helped matters lately by repeatedly reporting snow storms and freezing temperatures that never materialize. 

What all this boils down to is that I mounted studded tires on my bike a little too early.  I must have had too much time on my hands over the Thanksgiving weekend.  Again, predictions of snow yesterday turned out to be unfounded.  Today is yet another delightful, sunny day, and here I am, riding around the city on slow and noisy studded tires.  I've arrived at the party too early, yet again.  If you see me out on the street, please don't point and laugh.   

But I do think that studded tires are a good idea for anyone who wants to commute during the winter months.  They work well.  I'm a family man on the eve of my 40th birthday.  The thought of wiping out on a patch of ice is frightening enough to help me endure four months of slower riding.  So I don't mind jumping the gun a little.  Now watch - it won't snow until January. 


  1. Bryan,

    I am a loyal reader of this blog which, for me, is all that a Milwaukee Bike Commuter might want to know, or be told about. But, as the curious guy that I am, I am intrigued to know more about the writer of this blog beyond: "Husband. Dad. Lawyer. Bike Commuter." Can you please fill out the Complete Profile under the About Me section. I always feel a little jilted when I click on Complete Profile and all that's there is the same short profile listed on the previous page. Certainly there is more to you....isn't there?

  2. Sorry for the jilting, but I'm trying to manufacture some mystique about myself. I've got to keep my readers in the dark a little. However, if you really must know, I like long walks on the beach, curling up with a novel on a rainy day, and Italian food.

  3. I think some mystique is a good thing.
    Love the blogs!
    LA avid, keen, enthusiastic,passionate, eager, ardent, fervent,and devoted reader.

  4. I agree about the mystique. Biking is what we are interested in.

    Keep those blogs coming. Missed them during the past few weeks. They are a nice read during the day.

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  9. Same forecast to the northwest of you. Thsi past Sunday I didn't go so far as to put both my studded tires on, but I did put the front one on.

    Ok, Ok....I meant to put both on, I just got lazy and never got to the the back one. Turns out I didn't need it yet anyway.

  10. keep the rubber on the road and don't fall!

    happy trails and peace :)


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