Monday, November 29, 2010

You still riding?

If you're a year-round bike commuter in Milwaukee, you already know that from now until the thermometer hits 65 again you will be the regular recipient of one question from co-workers and acquaintances.  That question is: "You still riding?"  I suppose it beats the stock "how's it going" or "what's up" that usually follow the initial greeting, but after a while it becomes a tiresome question to answer.  I know that I should relish the opportunity to share with others the "good news" about bike commuting and how it is surprisingly easy to do even during the winter (if I can pull it off, believe me, anyone can).  But it does get awful tiresome.

If in a feisty mood, I'll respond with snottiness.  For instance:

"You still riding your bike to work?"

"Yep.  You still driving your car to work?"  


"Hey, I saw you riding your bike today!"

"Oh yeah?  How 'bout that.  I saw you driving your minivan today!"

But that's not a nice way to behave, so usually I answer the question by reciting my general winter riding rule: "I ride unless it's below zero."  I'm not even sure if that's really my rule because, come to think of it, I haven't had many opportunities to ride below zero (although it does sound unpleasant).  Maybe I share that rule with others because people are comforted by the idea that even insane people have boundaries, however unreasonable those boundaries may be.

I know the real winter weather hasn't yet begun, but riding around in the chilly weather has been so fun lately, my answer ought to be "Hell, yeah, I'm still riding!"

Friday, November 26, 2010

Late November on the Oak Leaf Trail

Beautiful day today.  Low 20s.  A little windy, but the skies were blue and the sun felt good.