Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Has Anyone Seen the Bridge? Where's that Confounded Bridge?

One thing I'm good at is making ill-informed accusations (except, of course, in my legal practice, where I adhere to the highest standards of professionalism).  Last week, in the haze of my excitement about the reopening of the Highland Boulevard bridge, I criticized the new and improved bridge of looking "exactly the same as it did when they closed it down last year," noting that the city workers didn't even bother to repaint the bike lane stripes.  With my tail between my legs, I return to you, my friends, with words of reparation.  You see, I was wrong.  Very wrong.  The bike lane stripes were in fact repainted:

Apparently, this bike lane is only for pastry chefs riding frameless bikes with 36-inch oval wheels.  They must have a pretty strong lobby in city hall. 

Not only that, the bridge has other new-looking features, such as this brick wall adorned with an elegant metal railing:

I really felt foolish when I saw this plaque commemorating the bridge being "built" in 2009. And I thought the bridge was just closed for repairs.  They built the whole darn thing!

One thing I was relieved to see this morning was that the classic Miller sign that sits atop the Miller brewery has not been changed to read "MillerCoors" just yet.  I'm glad to see some things stay the same.

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