Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fancy Riding Revisited

I'll admit it.  I've been asleep at the handlebars.  I missed the big news.  A while ago, I commented on the absurd ban on "fancy riding" contained in Milwaukee's cycling ordinance.  I have previously shared with you how I am gripped with terror every time I ride my bike to the courthouse dressed in a suit and tie due for fear of being cited for riding while "fancy." 

So I just recently got wind of the fact that the city's Common Council had the opportunity to revisit this landmark piece of legislation last month.  Here's a link to an article in the Journal Sentinel outlining the substance of the Common Council's changes.  If you're as obsessed with silliness as I am, the first thing you'll notice about the recent changes is that the Common Council did nothing whatsoever to clarify its "fancy riding" ban.  The ban is left completely intact. 

Notwithstanding this glaring oversight, there are some positive developments coming out of the Common Council's changes to the cycling ordinance.  For instance, if you've been guiltily riding two abreast with your buddies around the streets of Milwaukee, you'll be relieved to know that that nefarious activity is now legal.  Also, the requirement to obtain a license for your bike is now ancient history.  Personally, I've been riding around with that black cloud over my head ever since I arrived in Milwaukee. 

I think the Common Council missed a golden opportunity, however, by failing to explain the scope of its "fancy riding" ban.  I will continue riding my bike to the courthouse in my suit and tie regardless, but it looks like I'll never know whether doing so is illegal.  I guess life involves some degree of risk-taking.  There is a silver lining, though.  At the very least, the city's continuing ban on "fancy riding" will ensure that Milwaukee will not play host to a "tweed ride" anytime in the near future.  And that's a good thing. 


  1. Bryan,
    As your law school classmate who happened on this blog quite by accident, I am glad that you're championing better laws and self-determination in the sphere of cycling. You do us proud!

  2. Bryan -
    Maybe no tweed ride anytime soon...but, how about a Miller High Life Ride?

  3. Ilan,

    I ride by the Miller brewery on my commute, so every day is a Miller High Life ride for me.


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